About Us

About Us

B2B Africa is an agency that offers a variety of trade and consulting services within the Africa region. The company was founded in 2009, and the number of employees in the company was only three only in Cairo, and the company could not organize more than two events a year. Now our company has 60 highly qualified employees who work from within 13 countries. The company can now organize more than 100 An annual event, the company is the first company to use a mobile application to organize bilateral meetings. We have a real and direct database of more than 100,000 importers from 70 countries, and the company currently enjoys the trust of the largest governmental and commercial institutions in the world.
Company achievements:

100 trade missions

2.5 billion volume of exports achieved.

300,000 bilateral meetings

Penetration of 70 international markets.

60 international exhibitions.

Training of 35,000 people on the principles of international trade.

Our Mission

B2B Africa is an agency that offers a wide range of trade and consulting services in the Africa region. Founded in 2009 with only three employees based in Cairo, the company has since expanded its workforce to 60 highly qualified individuals across 13 different countries. With this growth, the company is now able to organize over 100 annual events, making it a leader in its field. B2B Africa prides itself on being the first company to utilize a mobile application for organizing bilateral meetings. Additionally, the company boasts a robust and extensive database comprising over 100,000 importers from 70 different countries. Notably, B2B Africa has garnered trust and partnerships with major governmental and commercial institutions globally.

Our Vision

Our vision is to enhance communication channels between exporters and importers, while also creating efficient solutions to save time, effort, and money in order to facilitate successful business transactions. Moreover, we aim to improve the performance of human resources within the field of international trade and utilize modern technology to advance global commerce. Ultimately, our goal is for our company to serve as a commercial incubator for the export community.